Monday, 15 June 2009

Random brainfart

What's the legal drinking age in Mass Effect anyway?

The human drinking age is around 21 but what about the Asari or the Salarians?

The Asari live for about a thousand years. Are they not allowed to drink until they reach the Matron stage of their lives which is around the age of 350?

And what about the Salarians? They only live for 40 years. I doubt they have to wait half of their lives until they're allowed to drink.

And what is up with all the Asari strippers in Chora's Den? Are you trying to tell me they're all over 350?

Actually maybe neither of those races need or want to drink.

Then again it doesn't look like there's much else to do in the Citadel. The only forms of entertainment in the Citadel seems to be those two bars unless you wanna line up to see the Consort?

What, they have bars but no restaurants in the future? Or toilets for that matter? Do everyone have nano-implants up their yazoo which takes care of all bodily functions?

What's more perplexing is that there are news reporters but you tell me where you get a hold of news in the Citadel. I guess you could stand around in an elevator all day hoping for the occasional radio broadcast but the place is filled with computers and monitors built into walls. Couldn't you show something on those?

But the space-crafts are even worse! I'm guessing that the Normandy travels between stars pretty freaking fast but you can only bring two people with you on a mission. So what does the rest of the crew do in the meantime? Play Guitar Hero?
There really isn't much to do on the Normandy other than tell eachother their own backstories for the five billionth time. Except maybe banging the one underage Asari you have on the ship.

Come on! Poor Wrex is bored out of his skull. All he can do is stand around in the exact same spot for several hours staring at a wall! Hook the guy up with some Gears of War 2, I think he'll have a great time.

Geez, no wonder Shepard sounds so bored all the time.

Thursday, 4 June 2009


How is everyone? Enjoying E3?

It's exciting, isn't it?

All the new trailers?


I just got back from watching a new "trailer" of the new Ratchet & Clank game. This is all I have to say about it:


All it did was tell us that someone is making a new Ratchet & Clank game. Now it's nice to have some kind of confirmation that they are doing it.

The problem is that it's so utterly pointless. All it did was tell us the title as well as maybe showing us a glimpse of a character.

And I'm not just blaming Ratchet & Clank here. It seems most companies are intent to keep doing this.

Look, I'm sure teaser-trailers were a very exciting thing in the 80s when you went into a movie theatre and didn't know what trailers to expect seeing.

However it is now the twenty-first century and we have the internet. We have Kotaku or GameTrailers tell us when a new trailer pops up and odds are they're gonna tell us what video we are about to watch as well.

It's POINTLESS to make a trailer if all you're going to tell us is the name!