Thursday 4 June 2009


How is everyone? Enjoying E3?

It's exciting, isn't it?

All the new trailers?


I just got back from watching a new "trailer" of the new Ratchet & Clank game. This is all I have to say about it:


All it did was tell us that someone is making a new Ratchet & Clank game. Now it's nice to have some kind of confirmation that they are doing it.

The problem is that it's so utterly pointless. All it did was tell us the title as well as maybe showing us a glimpse of a character.

And I'm not just blaming Ratchet & Clank here. It seems most companies are intent to keep doing this.

Look, I'm sure teaser-trailers were a very exciting thing in the 80s when you went into a movie theatre and didn't know what trailers to expect seeing.

However it is now the twenty-first century and we have the internet. We have Kotaku or GameTrailers tell us when a new trailer pops up and odds are they're gonna tell us what video we are about to watch as well.

It's POINTLESS to make a trailer if all you're going to tell us is the name!


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